At times, you will need to deal with angry customers. In this post we will be discussing some effective strategies on how to deal with unhappy customers. Read More
Off Page SEO refers to the optimization of your website through strategies employed outside what can be seen on your website. Read More
No matter what industry you are, business size still does play a factor when it comes analyzing a company. You might say that being small does not necessarily mean unsuccessful and being large doesn't mean you're without problems.
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Use price discrimination and Line segmentation to generate additional sales without impacting your existing brand, products, and sales. This article uses Clorox as an example. Read More
The plethora of social media software has exploded in the marketplace. Software and the Internet has been both a blessing and a curse for the user and businesses trying to implement a new marketing strategy.

The choices shown in an infographic actually caused more confusion and validated the bu Read More
When it comes to SEO strategies, there’s always a lot of buzz about article marketing, social media, guest posting, blog commenting, and all kinds of link building strategiesI’m sure you’ve read about. However, there’s one strategy that often gets left out of the mix and it involves the #2 search e Read More
There are various instances in which people copy the content of someone's blog without permission and publish it on their own websites. Here is how to protect your content. Read More
Helpers do what you say, while good help does what you need, without you saying anything. People who can help you the most are actually smarter than you, at least in their domain. Top entrepreneurs spend more time putting the right team in place to accomplish their objectives than they spend on any Read More
Stop collecting email addresses in your store with a paper and pen. It's simply too much work and leaves room for error. Collect email addresses in your store on an iPad. Read More
Small businesses are known to operate on minimal budgets and this is basically the main reason why finding the ideal branding strategy is essential to survive in this market. However, even with minimal budget, they are still able to promote their businesses through various types of branding. Read More

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