The Entrepreneur Spotlight for November, 2011 is on Ritika Mittal, a spunky young lady who runs a unique venture, MORA by Ritika. MORA is a designer label that brings to you lesser known weaves of the North Eastern parts of India in the form of elegant saris, skirts, dupattas and stoles. Read More
Having a mobile optimized website is fast becoming essential. If you’re a website designer you can now offer mobile website design services, offers a white-label option that is pretty awesome. Read More
Making the wrong decision during the hiring process can come back to haunt your small business. In fact, a bad hire can cost you and your business time and money. Avoid making a bad hire and follow these three tips. Read More
Starting a business is a lot like starting a marriage. At first, all parties are in dreamland, with a vision of changing the world, having lots of fun, and raking in the profits. But all too soon, reality sets in. Product development is stuck at that 90% mark, a key person leaves, and customers are Read More
Data protection and storage has become a cause of major concern as tons of data gets created, shared and archived in today’s digital era. Read More
I realized that we, as business owners, often leave a lot to chance. We are often disorganized, and may not know what things should be done first. We may not have the right tools or the right resources. And for sure, we’re not writing everything down! Read More
If your blog needs a boost, then it’s quite possible that your energy needs a boost as well. Look around at your desk. Does clutter fill the drawers? Is the top covered in stacks of files and other paperwork? Read More
It’s easy to build links to your site when your company makes something that most people use or want to use. But what about when your company manufacturers something that is, well, putting it bluntly, boring? Read More
4 Do’s and 4 Don’ts to consider when starting a business! Guest post by Keir McCarton There are thousands of blog articles out in the blogosphere that offer help and guides on how to succeed with a... Read More
Security breaches in are, no doubt, terrible for business owners. But when dealing with the healthcare sector, these breaches intensify in their potential for causing humiliating, or potentially, dangerous ramifications. Read More

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