A good ole fashioned switch-a-roo. Have you ever wondering why someone at the top of their game decides to go in a completely different direction? Heck, you’ve probably done it yourself. Enter today’s guest, Yaro Starak. Most people know Yaro as the friendly Australian Internet marketer who has mad Read More
This week, SBA announced the National Small Business Person of the Year - Victoria Tifft, President and CEO of Clinical Research Management in Hinckley, Ohio. Check out this brief interview, live from National Small Business Week. Read More
By Karen Mills. As part of National Small Business Week, SBA asked small business owners to share their stories in a short video that demonstrates how their business benefited from the SBA and makes a difference in their local community.

The response to SBA's first video contest was i Read More
Some of the greatest TV theme songs are re-works of the classics. Can this apply to marketing? Can you take some of your company's "biggest hits" and re-use them effectively? Read More
The rationale behind bidding on trademarked brands is something like this: if I bid on my competitor’s name than my company’s PPC ad will show up in any branded searches for my competitor. Since my competitor and I are going after the same target audience, this is good way to piggyback on the brand Read More
When people are looking for a product or service and conducting research, the first place that they typically turn to is the search engines. For this reason, it’s important to invest in SEO in order to improve your search engine visibility. If you’re spending money on SEO, you obviously want to see Read More
Alyssa tells us what one thing you need to do in order to develop trust in your small business relationships. Read More
“We Bring Good Things to Life,” a slogan that GE used for more than 20 years, was everything that a good company slogan should be. It communicated a company value that mattered to customers. It was memorable. It worked for a full range of products. It worked in print ads, radio ads, and more. Read More
Every Internet startup goes through five distinct stages on the way to making money and succeeding. This article shows you how to identify and guide an Internet startup through each stage and succeed early. Read More
Bootstrapping a new business or startup company from scratch is tough. It often involves working long into the evening after the day job is done, so every dollar saved counts. Here are some lessons learned and a list of web applications you can use to get stuff done on a limited budget. Read More

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