The idea of uniting the world has been tried - and failed - throughout history. Is it about to fail again? If so, will we, again, revert to nation states? Read More
Many businesses understand the importance of getting involved in the social networking arena, but most companies are focused on using sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. While there's nothing wrong with these large social networks, another network is growing rapidly and has the potential to Read More
Ask most social media or SEO consultants, and they’ll tell you that press releases are a critical part of any marketing strategy. After all, if a news outlet picks up your story, you can generate a tremendous amount of traffic and buzz for your company or product. Read More
Effective low cost marketing can seem daunting, if not impossible. To have a chance to compete in the open market, you need to have the kinds of expertly crafted ad campaigns that only Don Draper can come up with. Read More
There’s more to an online job search than simply trawling the Internet, or sending out you C.V en masse. Read More
I am a big admirer of blogging, and I think it is a pretty legit way of making money for teenagers or students, but I think all this hoopla on Internet is making it appear a lot simpler and easier than what it really is. Read More
To gain online success is very essential as it's the base of increasing one's income. Apart from posting and receiving comments, there are many tips which one follow to become successful in this field. Read More
I have a confession to make to you. My dear blog. I’ve been cheating on you. Yes, I’ve now written several guest posts on other blogs. I’ve even had writing relationships with Copyblogger, Problogger, Firepole Marketing,, Basic Blog Tips, Social Buzz Club and some others we can ta Read More
SEO Related domain names (Exact match domain names) with .com domain still available to register. I was digging into Paul Clifford's Domain match tool (closed for public now) to find some exact match domains (EMD) that are related to the root keyword SEO training Read More
The actions you take in the first 90 days after you have purchased a business are crucial for its long-term success. This article shows what actions you can take with employees, customers and suppliers. Read More

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