ChelseaLeigh commented on the following stories on BizSugar
6 Elements that Can Set Your Online Profile Apart From the Competition
"Thanks for sharing, I found this very informative. I definitely know that I will be making a couple of changes to my various profiles. In your opinion, what would be some elements that you definitely don't include in your profile?"The Ideal Length for All Online Content
"@Lyceum, I think there is no ideal length in my opinion. If you have a 15 minute pod-cast and it has good content in it then perfect, if you have a 60 minute pod-cast and it has good content throughout the whole time period, then perfect! But if you are trying to put 60 minutes of content into 15 minutes than that is overwhelming to the listener, or if you look at the opposite end of the spectrum if you are trying to fill 60 minutes with only 15 minutes of content the listener will get bored. The time should be catered around the quality content you have at hand. Hopefully this helps!"Subscribe
How to Reach your First 10,000 Followers on Twitter
"Thanks for this. It was very informative. "