GrowMap commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to Increase E-Commerce Sales without Discounting
"Ecommerce sites that routinely offer deep discounts train their regular buyers to wait for them. While discounts do encourage me to buy more at one time, I find that some stores I frequent send too many that have really short expiration dates. This only makes buying from them confusing instead of helpful. "How to Use Curated Content to Know Your Customers Better
"Thanks for sharing my post, Erik. This one is very comprehensive. It contains a unique image that will grab attention (the curation process infographic), plus a "What is content curation" video, plus the "Show, Don't Tell - The Rise of Visual on Social Media" SlideShare and an infographic that helps readers understand how content curation can lead to knowing what a businesses' customers want to buy. "Subscribe
How a Flexible Workweek for Your Team Can Benefit Your Business
"Definitely. As someone who lived in a small town where the local restaurant would regularly "go fishing", it is really nice if you're open when you say you will be. But most businesses could benefit from being less rigid and more flexible. People are not machines that need to clock in and out on the appointed second. Life happens. If you want to keep the most talented thinkers, they need more flexibility so they can capture inspiration when it happens. "