WayneLiew commented on the following stories on BizSugar
12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers
"Yup, but different types annoy different groups of people. I find this useful because it gives you a brief idea of Facebook users' characters that most people don't like. For example, if you are using Facebook to find new professional connections, you should avoid sending out irrelevant invitations to trivial applications."12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers
"Facebook, with all the trivial applications, does make business to business communications harder and I have to agree with you that LinkedIn is a much better place to build professional relationships. Out of all the professional Facebook groups I joined, only few have active members and successfully stayed spam-free. What I love about Facebook are some of the features that it offers like Photo Albums with tagging-enabled (super awesome for networking event photos :-) ), birthday alerts and not to mention the Wall that now allows filtering."LinkedIn the 11 Most Powerful Features For Small Business
"I have been getting some traffic, contacts and service inquiries off LinkedIn but I have never got around it because everything seems so complicated. Thanks to the tips, I am now starting to play around with the features that I didn't know exist on LinkedIn before."8 Ways To Find Relevant Followers On Twitter
"A lot of new Twitter users got on Twitter and start mass following Twitter users, whether or not these users that they follow are relevant or belong to the target market that they are targeting. Glad that this blog post came out and hopefully it will create some awareness among small business owners who are going to hop on the Twitter bandwagon."How to Use Audio Microblogging for Your Work
"This is very interesting for me. I know that when Twitter becomes popular over the last few months, microblogging services that incorporate video (12seconds.tv) and image (TwitPic) gained attention as well. Audio microblogging maybe the next thing that is going to have more and more users."Small Business Viral Marketing Tips
"Most small business owners that I have talked to lack the confidence when it comes to creating a viral marketing tips. They were intimidated by the big budgets that their big corporate competitors have. What they didn't realize is that small businesses do have their advantages. One of them will be the absence of bureaucracy, allowing them to be nimble."Subscribe
7 Tips to Get More Out of Google AdWords
"Yes, the search function is a great SEO tool for me as well. Brainstorming for keywords became so much easier with that function."