Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
6 Charts That Suggest The Unemployment Crisis Is WORSE Than It Looks!
"Very Informative Charts! I've always been mystified by news reports of unemployment figures - they only include announced layoffs & business closings, and people officially on government unemployment benefits. Anyone out of work who's not on unemployment doesn't count in the statistics - that's a HUGE number of unfortunate people not being counted. businessavante"5 Lessons in Business Success from the Master of Improvisation Himself: MacGyver! (Business Article & Video)
"Very Uplifting and Inspirational Article! (MacGuyver's also the father of SNL's "MacGruber" - named MacGruber MacGuyver! Richard Dean Anderson appeared on the show. MacGruber always blathers too long - everyone gets blown up.) businessavante"Subscribe
Secrets That the Masters of B2B Sales Don’t Care That You Discover
"Great Thoughts! This applies to many regimens besides sales - like Cher said in the '80's: "If it came in a bottle, everyone would have it" (be in shape). businessavante"