Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The Aftermath of California Affiliate Nexus Tax Law
"That's very sad news, Geno. Up to now I'd always blamed the state Gubmen for being too zealous (likely cutting-off any possible gain in revenue by destroying its very source), but it finally dawned on me that Amazon is too lazy to collect taxes, and they're the ones actually 'firing' 1,000's of people. They're both bad. Duncan"How to Organize a Customized Big Fat Indian Wedding Part 3
"Neat, Mariam! I*XL was the trade-mark of George Wostenholm & Sons Celebrated Cutlery, Sheffield. (It was pronounced I Excel.) They were the 2nd best firm in England after Joseph Rodgers & Sons, Cutlers to His/Her/Their Majesty, Sheffield. Both went belly-up in the 1960's/70's - our loss. Duncan "The Most Powerful Tool In Marketing
"Fascinating, Alan. Usually the sign-up info advice I see in blogs says not to ask for too much or people will be turned-off & abandon the site. My own personal view as a consumer is that I'd much prefer it if there was no info retained - that way I don't keep getting email 'deals', 'reminders', and 'suggestions' based on my purchases (or worse, my searches). But I do see why the retailers want more & more info even if their customers don't. Duncan "Amazon May Terminate All California Associates Affiliate Program
"Hi Hesham. I've heard of the 'nexus' laws passed in some states. I've been blaming the state Gubmen all along for being so 'zealous', but it just occurred to me that Amazon is too lazy to collect taxes, and they're the ones 'firing' 1,000's of people. They're ALL Nudniks!! Duncan"How One Book Can Revive a Precious Memory: A personal story and question
"Hi Morgan. My extended family was lucky. When my parents aged significantly, we farmed-out the major holidays to the 'sibs'. Years before they passed, we came to identify each holiday with the sibling that hosted it, meaning we didn't all the sudden have Christmas in a new setting, sadly remembering how it was at Mom & Dad's. One of the small things that ended-up helping all of us cope, really making it a lot easier. Duncan"Twitter Promoted Tweets to Enter User Streams
"It's insidious, Nick - but for me ads are also invisible. The 1st couple of times I see a new blog w/way too many ads, it's Really annoying (like visiting a Spam "Hall of Fame"). Then the ads become invisible - I skip immediately to the text, and leave w/no memory of seeing any ads (beautiful, ain't it!). Duncan"Subscribe
Klout and what Klout Scores Mean for Your Business
"Hi Jim. Until the recent additions, wasn't it basically a rating of one's Twitter use? Now they scan FaceBook & Linked-In. Duncan "