Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
7 Simple Secrets - How to Write an eBook that makes money
"Hi Sara. I think there's a technical problem w/this post. It mentions a video which I didn't find (though there was an empty space that might fit one), and the text below is somewhere between gibberish & spam - I think it's not supposed to be visible the way it comes out. Then I opened it a 2nd time, and clicked on the blue writing. I did get something - there was a video & text, but when I tried to leave, there was a pop-up asking if I was "sure I wanted to navigate away from the page" (which I obviously was - otherwise I wouldn't have tried to leave in the 1st place). Duncan"The 5 Signs You’re Talking To A Social Media Douchebag! A Classic Diatribe.
"Hi Rivkah. Mr.'Bag' forgot to use his real name? He has some points, and lots of doodoo. I might add that in the High Middle Ages, knights were royalty - they were (by the standards of feudalism) above the peasant-workers & lowly oafs. Knights either inherited their title, or won it by fighting. All the peasant farmers had to do was toil all day in order to feed the entire community - for this, their reward was that they were 'allowed' to live (prof. Eugen Weber, in the 52 part series "The Western Tradition"). Duncan"Subscribe
Trial by Social Media: Casey Anthony Acquitted… or was she?
"Interesting, Rich, but we can't let the virtual world of social media turn into mob rule: "I KNOW she's Guilty!!!"- which essentially proves nothing. It's the 21stC. equivalent of Madame LeFarge shouting: "Guillotine!", or the town folk coming after Frankenstein with torches & pitchforks (in the 1931 movie - one of my all-time favorite movies, and still eerie today). Is she ultimately guilty? It may be possible to sue civilly & win, where the standard of proof is just to tip the balance in 1 direction, rather than 'beyond any shadow of doubt'. Duncan"