Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
6 Bad Money Habits And How To Break Them
"Hi 'Sann'. I like the idea of a 'spending filter' (#2) - and think if possible, give it more than 24 hours - a week. I say that because I've noticed that on items I've ordered that ended-up taking a month or more to arrive, soon I was no longer 'buzzed' about it, then I start to think "I've been w/o it this long, why do I need it at all?", then I get peeved & have negative anticipation. Duncan"The Pros and Cons of Paid Blog Reviews
"Hi Nick. I learned decades ago how to read between the lines w/product reviews in magazines. Every word that is less than glowingly positive should be magnified 1,000x in the negative direction - it's their way of 'signaling' what's wrong w/the product w/o ever actually stating it outright (since the manufacturer advertises there). i.e The "Blabla X10" Camera is probably one of the better small camera's I've seen lately with a plastic lens, and we really didn't miss having a view-finder, considering the price-point. Translation: They last reviewed a small camera 7 months ago, they really DO want a view finder and a glass lens (only an idiot wouldn't) - and, it's cheapo. Duncan"Hands On With Google Plus. I Got In!
"Hi Rich. I'm confused - if one of the main innovations is limiting who sees what you post (using the 'Circles' innovation) what sense does it make to let people add anyone else to their circle w/o 1st asking if it's OK w/them? I see a mass of spammers or other weirdo-types adding anyone/everyone to their circles. (This aspect is mentioned above under "Your Google Stream"). Can we block people? Can we tune people out who we don't want to see certain things (like separating business & private life)? If not, they just reinvented the wheel w/a flat tire & bent rims. Duncan "6 Pros and 6 Cons Of Using Facebook Groups To Organise An Event
"Hi Amanda. I like your ethical approach to groups. I was once thrust into a group about SEO w/o my consent. I resented being added, and nixed it immediately (not to mention that I'm retired, and thus have no business needs of any kind). Duncan"The 68 Most Influential Small Business Leaders on Twitter
"Hi Shawn. I see Anita made the list! I'm confused about their stated methodology - starting w/people who followed over 50 but less than 1,500, and had 3x as many more followers to prove their influence. It looks more like they picked a lot of famous names, then maybe checked who they followed, because who on this list only follows less than 1,500?? For the 2nd iteration they had to follow less than 10,000 people, but how did they get the 1st iteration if not just by using known biggies? Duncan"Do we really need another social networking site?
"Hi Cendrine. I like what you said about having to spend so much time reacting to all the incessant changes that get thrown our way (not to mention rescinding privacy settings unilaterally). We all have better uses for our time. If it ends up as a 4th major parallel channel, we'll all have more work to do, and less time to do anything else - including sleep. How many channels till there's too many - till no one can keep up?? Duncan "5.5 Things Umpiring Teaches You About Life and Social Media
"Hi Jeremiah. As a baseball fan, I'm one who never gets uptight when an official makes a call that ends up being wrong (in terms of the replay). To me, it's part of the sport - the human element. I don't like all the whining when a call seems bad - "WHY can't we use film to decide???" I Don't want the human element super-ceded by technology. (What do we get then - President Super-Computer? Then what happens when the grid is down?) Duncan (I'm even a bigger Boxing fan, and I stand by the ref's call when I score at home, even if slo-mo proves it inaccurate.) "Subscribe
Vintage Video Ad: Hiring Disabled Veterans...As Relevant Today As It Was Back Then
"Hi Rivkah. We owe a great debt to all our veterans - maybe a little bit more-so to the Vietnam vets who not only had no celebration on their return, but were often actually criticized & reviled (the state of politics at the time - it was fine to be anti-war, but unfortunate that some of that rubbed-off onto those who served). Duncan Duncan"