Itsmichelleguo commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to Maximise Motivation & Productivity When You Work from Home
"I agree completely! I work for Worldwide101 (virtual assistant services) and they do a really great job of providing a strong support system and making us feel like a team even though our team members are based all around the world."Improve Your Sales With Enchantment
"In terms of enchantment by great story-telling, Coca-Cola does a great job with this. Oftentimes, their viral videos or advertising touches on something emotional that people can connect with, thereby creating a long-lasting relationship with their customers. Guy Kawasaki's article on "10 Ways That Small Businesses Can Enchant Their Customers" has some good examples of companies that succeed at this:"« previous1 next »
5 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Marketing With IFTTT - Successful Virtually Blog
"The way that IFTTT works is that you first choose one channel (e.g. Gmail), then you choose a trigger (e.g. starred emails), and then another channel (e.g Evernote). An example recipe would be "Save starred Gmails to Evernote." Gmail is the first channel, starring your emails is the trigger, and Evernote is the second channel. Another example is "Text me the weather every morning". In this case, you would activate the Weather Channel app, as well as the SMS channel (your phone number), and each morning, the Weather Channel app automatically sends the weather to your phone as a text message. Here are some more recipe examples:"