Juliusshawn commented on the following stories on BizSugar
5 Proven Business Management Principles for Entrepreneurs
"Yes I agree that in every information that you gathered you must implement it to to your business to see if the strategy is effective or not. Business is like Math actually in which you have to do a solution base on trial and error or one problems has many solutions but you have to choose one solution which will optimize the process and increase the profit."5 Essential White Hat SEO Techniques for Startups
"Informative article Mike. I also prefer white hat SEO techniques for no matter how many times Google change their algorithm, your site won't be affected. Instead you just have to change strategy on how to optimize more on your site to coincide with the new rules."Subscribe
7 ways to get traffic from Pinterest
"It's only now that I knew that I can add hash tags on Pinterest. Thank you for the tip! :)"