Lkpetrolino commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The 8 Personality Traits of a Successful Start-Up Entrepreneur
"That is an excellent question Shawn....I think you are right in many ways, but having worked with many entrepreneurs there tends to be a certain unique type of confidence about them that is ingrained, you either have it or you don't. The thing is that people that don't have it, would never even think about being an entrepreneur in the first it sort of settles itself out"The 8 Personality Traits of a Successful Start-Up Entrepreneur
"This is a pretty darn solid argument, and really can be looked at from a bit of a Darwinian viewpoint. The absolutely remarkable thing about human nature is that often if you force someone to rise to the occasion, they will......or else they are naturally selected out and are standing along the street corner with a fake cane and a dog"The 6 Step Idiot’s Guide to Creating a LinkedIn Presence
"Ha, worries Shawn, the Flying Pig definition of 'idiot' is 'one who constantly searches to know more' :) Good addition with the status updating, and it is often forgotten! I know I am personally at fault of overlooking LinkedIn and am going to try to make it a personal goal to explore it more this expect many more posts on the subject :)"« previous123 next »
What You and the Terminator Have in Common
"Totally agree! Definitely makes you take a different perspective on fear"