Marygreencny commented on the following stories on BizSugar
20 Industries Successfully Using Social Media Blogging
"Hello Heather, By no means is this an inclusive list. These are just some of the industries I've seen use it well. On the other hand, I've seen many not use it well. There is a lot involved in using it the right way, and most companies just don't 'get it'. I think for others the time or money investment into social is just too much, or they are afraid to get social. What has your experience been?"Social Media Website Tools – Strategies to Integrate Social on Your Site
"I visited the site and could barely find the content between all of the ads. The load time was slow and the 'tools' are part of a download I have to optin for that doesn't even sound like it has 'tools' in it. I appreciate the effort, but I was really disappointed. "My 40 Point Blogging Checklist Every Blogger Should Read
"Hi HeatherStone, thanks for asking. I get comments from BizSugar and traffic from Twitter when I distribute content. Then when I include LInkedin, G+ and Pinterest it trickles in over a period of time. But most definitely Twitter brings the most traffic. "Subscribe
Content Promotion- How To Promote Your Blog Posts
"I don't seem to have a hard time getting more likes, but to reach them, you just can't without paying to play- Boo on Facebook's part :("