Marygreencny voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Wondering how to hold your daily standups? What daily tool should you use?

What method should you follow?

There are a lot of options on the market; from email and messaging to video, and in-person meetings. Along with these options, you can find tools that are free, paid, or used for other ne Read More
If you’re like most ecommerce entrepreneurs, you’ve had a busy last few weeks of work. The holiday shopping season is in full swing, Cyber Monday came and went, and you only have a few more weeks to keep pushing sales through until the end of the year. For many, it’s an extremely profitable time of Read More
A new survey shows that stress-induced employee burnout is going to be a big problem for managers in 2017. And when employees get overstressed, all kinds of bad things can happen. They’re more prone to make mistakes, become actively disengaged and even face increased risks of serious health problem Read More
We live in a time of transition when it comes to remote work: people are doing it now more than ever, yet many are still hammering out how to make it work better.

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When you manage a software engineering team and someone tells you that good engineering management don’t exist, it can be more than a little frustrating.

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Building Company Culture - My Biggest Mistakes & How to Prevent Them

Avatar Posted by marygreencny under Management
From 2420 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on December 13, 2017 7:08 am
Confession time: I made a mistake—one that I’ve been working to correct. I’m hoping that sharing my missteps in building company culture will help save some of you from having to learn the same lessons the hard way.

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The more we learn about remote work culture, the more enticing it becomes for management and employees alike. Studies show that remote workers are happier, healthier and more productive and cost companies far less than requiring attendance in the office.

Despite long-standing myths of the opposi Read More
When you manage a software engineering team and someone tells you that good engineering management don’t exist, it can be more than a little frustrating.

In fact, the degree to which engineering management has been debated and deliberated is somewhat surprising. Apparently, there are those who b Read More
One of my favorite things about what I do is having the opportunity to lead and manage others. I get to build teams, develop individuals, connect with people one-on-one, and coach them through key moments in their careers. But with the good comes the bad—and as a manager, it’s up to me to seek out Read More
Team building games are fun but by no means are idle recreation time. Underlying these games is the aim to influence our subconscious towards a positive outcome that will, hopefully, rub off on the workplace. These team building ideas aspire to smooth, proactive and productive work relationships ba Read More

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