Saraib820 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Instant Social Media Karma
"Bloggertone, I (we) have said it before and I will say it again. Articles like this one (very good by the way) are big Catch-22s. In most cases you are preaching to the converted. People who read articles telling how to be a proper player in Social Media are for the most part already proper players. They read others' articles, pass on links, re-tweet etc. The people who really need SM karma will never bother to read these types of articles and thus the message is lost. They are too narcissistic, egocentric and too busy with their own lives to read somebody elses post (yet they expect others to read and re-tweet theirs). Yes, a classic Catch-22. In any case, sorry if this turned into a bit of a rant. Thanks BT for some more great wisdom and reading from Ireland! Rivkah"Business Lessons from Great Hospitals & Doctors With Exceptional Bedside Manners
"Duncan, I remember when I was in the hospital back in the 80's. My chart was attached to my bed. I reached to read it and was chastised by a doctor who was walking into the room. THAT'S PRIVATE INFORMATION he yelled! I suppose there are many medical institutions that one could write an article about in the negative such as "Lessons Learned from Horrible Doctors". Fortunately we have found a great one, thus the article. Thanks for your voice! Rivkah"Business Lessons from Great Hospitals & Doctors With Exceptional Bedside Manners
"Susan, I'm sure he will be! Thank so much for your thoughts and comments! One of the big changes I have seen in medicine is more listening in the part of the doctors, essentially what you say. There are a lot of messages that we in business and those in the medical spher have to pay attention to. It gives proper control to the client and the patient. Rivkah"Subscribe
How to Become a Better Entrepreneur in the Next 30 Minutes
"Neil, 'Smoking Crack?' Excellent article made awesome by that line! Rivkah"