Tathan commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The C7I Of Leadership!
"Dear Lyceum, 3 of the most notable examples of these framework is CopyBlogger, Michael Hyatt, and Chris Brogan. If you need more references, you can check the http://michaelhyatt.com/a-social-media-framework.html, the http://www.chrisbrogan.com/how-outposts-improve-your-ecosystem/ and the http://www.chrisbrogan.com/using-outposts-in-your-media-strategy/. I hope they help."A Highly Effective Blogging Framework!
"I used to code my template in a word document and in Evernote, but now I have code it in my favorite text expander tool (in windows PhraseExpress, TextExpander in Mac), to have it readily available! Its form is as follows: [Strong Title] [Introduction Paragraph] [Image/Picture] [Support Points/Rationale] 1.Point 1 a.Resource b.Action item c.Reference d.Something else ... (one or more, if applicable) 2.Point 2 a.Resource b.Action item c.Reference d.Something else ... (one or more, if applicable) 3. Point 3 [Call To Action or Question] I try to elaborate it a little further and have a first draft in my post for download!"Subscribe
The C7I Of Leadership!
"I look forward to see more of your work in other hubs. I'm a big fan of the conceptualization of blogging as base (you main blog site), embassies (controllable by you hubs), and outposts (mini-blogs, news, references, material you want to disseminate, etc). As a modern blogger you should handle all them effectively (new things, Lyceum!). I hope every success in your new ventures."