AngelBiz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Customer loyalty is very fickle. Take one wrong step and you can lose the customer forever. Use these tips to keep your customers for life. Read More
Small businesses can take advantage of these successful marketing strategy to build brand, grow business and improve profit. Read More
Small businesses in early stage face challenges in getting the required funding. Here are the tips you can use to get the money you need to realize your dream. Read More
Productivity improvement doesn't mean make the employees slog all day. Use these 3 smart tips to get most out of employees without hurting them. Read More
Lack of or inadequate insurance can cost small business owners dearly and can even put them out of business. Make sure you have coverage of these 5 types of insurance. Read More
A well designed website can help small business owners attract potential customers and make them stick around longer eventually leading to sale. Read More
Good corporate governance practices are essential to reduce risk and improve performance. Here are 3 practices every business must follow. Read More
Freelance economy is getting more popular everyday. How can you embrace and nurture it to the benefit of your business. Read More
Getting the business loan can help you grow business rapidly, but only if the money is used in the right way. Use these tips to get the most our of business loan. Read More
Every small business owner dreams of becoming the next Amazon or Google. Here are 3 simple tips to help you get there. Read More

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