CubeGuy submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Pain That You Should Be Thankful For

Avatar Posted by CubeGuy under Self-Development
From 4317 days ago
Made Hot by: BrandMonster on November 20, 2012 12:27 pm
It's Thanksgiving week, and there's a lot to be thankful for. There's also something to be thankful for that you might not realize. It could end up saving your life. Here's your very important reminder not to ignore it for a moment longer. Read More

The Television Show That Could Change the World

Avatar Posted by CubeGuy under Management
From 4324 days ago
Made Hot by: GorgeousGeorge on November 14, 2012 5:54 am
There's a television show that airs every single week on Prime time TV that could change the working world as we know it. But unfortunately, it's not changing the world at all. Why? Let's find out together. Read More
I would completely understand if you read the title of this post and thought that this post would be all about me.

It’s not. Actually, it’s about us.

Specifically, it's about something that we all need to find right now. This is too important to allow another moment pass us by without it. Read More
If you can help it, these are the 13 coworkers that you want to avoid at all costs--especially if you want to keep your sanity. Read More
Confused as a new leader? You're not alone. Following are 5 leadership tips that I learned accidentally and could make your first time as a leader SO much easier. Read More
If you believe that "the Customer is Always Right," then you are likely crippling your customer service effectiveness. It's time to snap out of it and stop the madness before it's too late. Read More
Bully customers. Bully coworkers. Bully bosses. Enough is enough. Workplace bullying has become an epidemic, and since October is National Anti-Bullying Awareness month, there isn't a better time to put an end to workplace bullying than today. Here's how. Read More
Have you ever wished that all customers had a set of rules to follow before entering a store, restaurant, or any other place of business? Look no further. Read More
You can focus on what you fear or you can focus on what you love--but you can't do both. Choose wisely, because your workplace happiness depends on it. Read More

The Only Thing That Will Ever Matter

Avatar Posted by CubeGuy under Self-Development
From 4351 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on October 17, 2012 2:39 am
Would you believe me if I told you that the secret to success in life will be revealed to you in this blog post? You should, because it will. Read More

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