HBCinc submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Networking is not about selling products or services, but about selling yourself. When you are authentically "being yourself", it's easier for others to connect with you, like you and trust you. This is where a networking is most successful.

Make your networking activities actually FUN. Here's h Read More
Today's market is flooded with retailers. If you are not selling your own unique products, you may be finding it difficult to compete with other retailers who are selling the same products as you.

So what do you do?

One way that some businesses are eliminating their competition is by creating Read More
Not only can you get people's attention using this technique... you can make friends this way, and in doing so, they are likely to tell their friends. You can generate a boatload of links to your website simply by being nice. Go figure!... Read More
Are you struggling to get ranked high in the search engines and make your website visitors happy at the same time?

Well, you're not alone - creating and maintaining a successful can seem like a frustrating 24-7 job. Do you want a life outside of your website? Here's how to do it. Read More
Look no further than eBay's own "house-trained" eBay Education Specialists. These successful eBay sellers have been trained in the official eBay University, and they can pass this valuable information on to you.

Here's how to get started...
Read More
If you want to become a bookkeeper but also work from home - why not start a virtual bookkeeping business?

Not only do you get more freedom and flexibility in your work schedule, but you can also work for clients outside of your local area. This can mean more clients and more income for you! Read More
1. Are you a new business owner with no customers?

2. Do you work from home - and have a difficult time getting the word out about your company?

3. Are you struggling to find clients and hate the idea of having to do the marketing yourself?

Discover 3 easy ways to find your customers... Read More
Now, I know that not every entrepreneur is a camping enthusiast - let alone camping out of a car. However, I can't help but notice the striking similarities between the two - and the benefits that car camping can offer virtually any entrepreneur.... Read More
When starting a business, you want to make sure that you are abiding by local, state and federal laws. These, of course, will vary depending on your location. Here is a list of what you want to do... Read More
The graphic design business can be a fun a profitable career to get into, especially with the growth of opportunities in designing websites. The challenge can be finding customers.

Fortunately, there are websites that help graphic designers get clients without having to be expert marketers. Here Read More

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