KarenKeller submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Building Your Brand In The Workplace

Avatar Posted by KarenKeller under Self-Development
From http://karen-keller.com 4989 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on February 5, 2011 9:01 pm
Here’s what is important for women in the workplace – build your brand – YOU. Use everything you know about branding to build YOUR personal brand. Make it strong.

What qualities do you possess to bring your feminine to the workplace or to your business?

Don’t underplay what you've done. If Read More
To truly influence and maximize the power within your grasp, you need to become "one with it." Huh? Let me tell you a story.

A few years ago, I took an off ramp, circling around to a huge overpass when I hit black ice. Now, most of you reading who live where there's snow understand what black i Read More
Part 3 of 3 part series: Living Creative Results

Part 1 of this series helped get you started – discovering that you do have a creative side and how to access it. Part 2 focused on dealing with the gremlins. You know - the self-limiting beliefs that invade your mind.

Now, it’s time to focu Read More
Spring is here. It’s time to clean out the cobwebs in your brain. Open your mind to all ideas you ignore, argue with or push to the backburner for later. Well, later is here.

Women have the capacity to take the unknown and give it a form that speaks in a different voice to each listener. Wom Read More
Part 2 of a 3 part series: Conquering Creativity Challenges

In my last article I revealed the 4 secrets to finding your creativity – the first stage of three in actualizing your creative process. Creative thought is the essence of every woman.

Every woman has the capacity or dare I say the r Read More
Soul isn’t a figment of your imagination. It’s meant to expand your consciousness and connect you to something greater than yourself. Women are embracing their souls, claiming the generous, guiding peace of their naturalness. Read More
Influence expert, Dr. Karen Keller, launches a new coaching program, 20/20 Influence, which has been designed specifically for women to achieve the success in business, life, relationships, health, finances, and more Read More
Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains how to assess a relationships value for personal and professional success. Dr. Keller created a check list that every women should use when evaluating the health of any relationship albeit business, friendships, or romance.

According to K Read More
Influence and persuasion expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, explains what intentional leaders can do to be stronger social influencers personally and professionally for ultimate life success.

According to Keller, “People’s mistrust of leadership is running rampant these days. Particularly for those w Read More
Being a control freak does have its place.  I mean there are situations and circumstances where someone has to take charge and be the authority.  So here are some jobs suit the control freak.  Here’s the top ten countdown: Read More

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