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Carly Fiorina: The Small Business Candidate for President?

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From 3370 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on May 9, 2015 9:10 pm
Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, will formally start her Presidential campaign on May 4, the Wall Street Journal reported recently. Small business owners should be happy for in Fiorina they have a candidate who cares about their issues.
The former HP CEO has made it clear in recent sp Read More
You’ve probably seen things pop up in your Facebook News Feed that you’d rather not see, an embarrassing photo or an annoying game request are typically the worst of them.
However, one Facebook feature, called ‘Year in Review’, has come under fire recently for it’s uncanny ability to occasionally Read More
If you’re an AdSense Publisher, here is some news for you.
Google has introduced a new tool for AdSense that could change your site. By generating relevant article recommendations from the content on your site, Google says its new tool could increase not only reader engagement but your ad revenue, Read More
Raising funding from formal investors isn’t always an option for every startup.
Particularly for young or unproven entrepreneurs, informal investors can seem like much more attractive options. And these more informal options can certainly give your startup the boost it needs. But just because they Read More
Etsy, the online marketplace for handmade and vintage goods, made headlines this week by officially launching its IPO. This means that the website will have to work hard to keep both its stockholders and its sellers happy. But Etsy isn’t the only company making changes. ZenPayroll also announced a Read More
Did you know that over half of adults in the United States now utilize a smart phone to surf the Web? This information makes it even more urgent that you bring your business onto the mobile scene if you have not already.
Even if you are a brick and mortar store, it is imperative that you, at the m Read More
When promoting your business online, the challenge is to make your brand stand out and attract attention when pretty much every other business in your industry is trying to do the same. If you just send out some emails and tweets trying to sell your products, no one will even notice you.
But there Read More
If your small business is backing up WordPress only once in a while, then you’re not alone.
In fact, a survey of 503 WordPress users released March 10 by CodeGuard, a provider of cloud-based website backup services, reveals that 47 percent of WordPress users backup their sites every few months whi Read More
Competitors. Every company’s got them, and without them, we would have no commerce.
But while you might dread thinking about what the competition is up to, it’s absolutely essential if you’re going to help your brand succeed.
Sometimes competitors get a little aggressive. Maybe they copy what you Read More
You may remember Voice, the Adobe app that creates animated videos using your own voice recordings. Now Adobe is releasing a sister app to Voice, called Slate, that lets you create a story with visuals and design elements.
The company says Slate should make creating newsletters and reports easier. Read More

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