SMARTSMMBiz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Everybody's on your case about measuring your marketing, getting in good with your analytics, evaluating what's working, and what's how effective is all that nagging if you don't understand what it all means?
Here's a breakdown of which traffic sources mean what for your marketing analyti Read More

101+ CommentLuv Enabled Blogs List for 2013

Avatar Posted by SMARTSMMBiz under Social Media
From 4224 days ago
Made Hot by: Herby on January 6, 2013 11:25 pm
Kudos to Rich Blogger for this post. It is a great up-to-date list for anyone who's looking for active CommentLuv enabled sites. I use a few of these site regularly but now I have more to research and add to my social bookmarking list. Read More
To celebrate the new year, we decided to look back at the most popular articles on the HubSpot blog -- because it's one of the places we celebrate new advancements in marketing year round!

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While many people design their campaigns in Google Adwords around positive keywords, keyword negatives play just as great a role in helping Google to determine the authenticity and validity of a given site. Read More
In part 1, I managed to get one of my Twitter accounts suspended but that led to a couple of other questions. So I decided to do it again but this time, I start from scratch! Read More
Call me "crazy" but I like to try/test things just to see how they work. That's why out of curiosity and in an effort to learn more about Twitter, I decided to test an e-book I purchased about getting more followers. In the process, I wound up getting my Twitter account suspended and learning a few Read More
There are plenty of guest blogging opportunities for bloggers and internet marketers but how do you know which one’s the right one…for you? Read More
Review top social media articles of 2012 to review the best social media practices and actionable tips you can apply to your business now. Read More
When it comes to having the right host for your WordPress blog site, you never know how good they are until something goes awry. So what are some signs of a worthy webhost? Read More

7 Common SEO Myths to Throw Out the Window Immediately

Avatar Posted by SMARTSMMBiz under Social Media
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on December 23, 2012 10:39 pm
Marketers and SEO agencies worldwide halted their link-building and keyword-obsessed ways, and swapped it for a long overdue focus on quality content.

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