ShawnHessinger submitted the following stories to BizSugar

This story from CNN Small Business looks at the struggles of small business retailers who must cope with both slow sales and tight credit this holiday season. The lack of cash is leading to an inability to fill shelves for holiday shoppers something small businesses usually use either cash flow or credit to cover. This year they have nei Read More
This story from BusinessWeek writer Karen E. Klein looks at the much touted Goldman Sachs initiative expected to bring investment to under served entrepreneurs and the other programs already in place to do this job. The story profiles programs like Rising Tide that provide help to many under served small businesses, microbusinesses and inner city Read More
In this interview with former Thompson Reuters CEO and President Dick Harrington for a post at Harvard Business Publishing we are given a look at how small business and big business differ and what lessons small business leaders can learn from industry titans. Certainly scalability may be the most difficult challenge small businesses must tackle, Read More
In this great post from consultant Peter Bergman at Harvard Business Publishing we're treated to an appealing argument for the advantage small business may have not only in the recession but coming out the other side into the economic recovery over larger companies that have lost their customers' trust. Bergman believes the advantages of being b Read More
You can use CafePress to develop retail business offline as well as on, according to this post from R. Jean Roth in Roth says the time to look at starting offline retail is after your designs have already caught on in your online store or perhaps you've gotten questions from customers about where else they can find your creations. R Read More
Squidoo Community Organizer Kimberly Dawn Wells has whipped together this fine lens site about using CafePress to create a small business in online retail. All you need is a good idea, some creativity, appropriate design software and a savy for marketing. CafePress makes it possible to create a store to showcase the merchandise you create at no in Read More
It may be easy to forget in an age of blogging and social media, but e-mail remains an effective way to market online and to grow a small business or startup franchise with limited resources. Gail Goodman makes some suggestions in this article from posted in the Microsoft Small Business Center. Gail points to the key aspects of gr Read More
Though opportunities exist for outsourcing many functions in small to medium sized businesses to China, especially manufacturing, care must still be taken n exploring these options. In an article for Small Business Review, writer Gary M. Stern suggests careful investigation to avoid unscrupulous suppliers and careful research to be sure your busin Read More
Well-known Venture Capital investor Brad Feld wrote these tips for a book on startup back in 2004 and also posted them on his blog. Though some are arguable, especially for those who practice part-tome entrepreneurship since Brad seems pretty firmly behind the idea of being a full-time entrepreneur, the tips are still interesting. They are also re Read More
Small business will see an increasing market among consumers in China for a wide variety of products in the near future. Alan Gershenhorn, president of UPS International, who has obvious interest in this growing market, explains in an article posted at Small Business Opportunities online how by 2025, by some projections, China will be the largest Read More

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