YEVF submitted the following stories to BizSugar

What Entrepreneurs Think About The Bailout Plan

Avatar Posted by YEVF under News
From 5777 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 4, 2008 7:34 pm
The congressional defeat of the proposed bailout plan by the Treasury led to one of the worst stock market days in history. The result was an elimination of trillions of dollars in shareholder wealth. The main reasoning for the rejection of the plan was that ordinary taxpayers should not have to subsidize the fat cats over on Wall Street. Read More
At 74 years old, he is still busy making people look good. Giorgio Armani is one of the preeminent Italian fashion designers in the world, still going strong after 33 years in the industry. Known for his classically tailored, sleek power suits and clean, high quality fabrics, everyone from the who's who of Hollywood to the bankers on Wall Street h Read More

Obama or McCain - Who is More Small Business Friendly?

Avatar Posted by YEVF under News
From 5795 days ago
Made Hot by: on September 16, 2008 1:36 am
With a recession looming and job opportunities becoming scarce, many people are looking to entrepreneurship as a new career path. How will the upcoming American election impact small business owners? Here's my take on how small business friendly Obama and McCain are: Read More

Steal These 8 Donald Trump Ideas To Make It Big

Avatar Posted by YEVF under Startups
From 5795 days ago
Made Hot by: terry_culkin on September 16, 2008 12:36 am
Want to think big like Donald Trump? Here are the top 8 strategies that you need to steal from the Donald to think make it big. Read More

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