Argentisgroup submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Do you survey your customers to see how you are doing? This can help you grow your business in leaps and bounds. See how here and a couple of resources to help. Read More
Did you know that you could add video to your Google Places listing? Here is how to do it and help market your business. Read More
Do you own a retail store or work for a retail location? Have you ever thought about going on line and broadening your sales reach? It’s not that tough, here’s an article on how to Read More
Getting a high ranking on Google can help drive targeted traffic to your website or to your company. Here is a great trick that can help you increase your chances of getting a higher ranking on Google Read More
Your clients are probably using your product in ways that you don’t know about. Why not find out how and potentially open up a new market. Read More
Do you sell an expensive item? Do you realize that you can probably sell more by breaking your price into several payments? Read more here Read More
Did you know that mom’s are a powerful force when it comes to household purchases? 85% of all decisions are made by moms including 91% of all new home purchases and 92% of all family vacations Read More
Making your clients faster, less expensive and better are all goals that you should be striving for. Think about how you can do this with your product or service and you will be miles ahead of your competition Read More
How do you position your product or service you sell as it relates to your clients? Do you show what your client is missing by not using your service or product? Here is a quick how to on positioning your offering with a financial benefit Read More
Did you know that You Tube is the 2nd most trafficked social media site and the 5th most popular website on the web? It is a great potential source for qualified prospects. Here is a way to actively market to people on You Tube Read More

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