Crunchynow submitted the following stories to BizSugar

You did sure to laugh at someone if they did ask what is Gmail? This is because Gmail has become so popular that even a layman knows what Gmail is and will be making use of the services provided by Google. This is because Gmail has turned out to be one of the most users friendly and is one of the b Read More
Alexa is a service provider for ranking websites based on the information gathered from the websites through various resources. Mainly Alexa takes out its data from the Toolbar that it has, although the ranking is not that accurate it is being said that Alexa ranking is quite important. Read More
On 27, June 2011, there was good news from Google that now our blog will be powered with Google Page Rank 2 from now onwards. It been the most demanding quality we always worked for. Since we have started blogging, there has been many Ups and downs, but we never failed to stand up again. Read More
Losing data from your computer has been the same old story and is the most common thing that could occur to your social networking site, and why to tell you the truth I lost once my social networking account that I needed to start all over again. Read More
I am an owner of several websites hosted on a few good web hosting companies that have met my needs for the last 3 years. What I am about to share with you will most definitely save you heaps of time and money when it comes to choosing a great web hosting company and you must avoid the 3 most commo Read More
Web designing is a very important part of web development. If done correctly and proficiently, it can help a webmaster to truly master the art of web development. This article is aimed at providing the webmasters with some basic yet important tips regarding the web design component. Read More
Whether your email account has been compromised or not, or you regained access to your old email account or not, the best thing is to keep watch of hackers and keep them at bay by following some of the simple six security measures. Read More
This is an AdsensePress theme which contains optimization of adsense earning rate. It has been spefically designed for wordpress. If you want to improve your adsense earnings then you must try out this them. All the google elements and ads placement techniques are considered in this theme. This wil Read More
If by any chance you are associated with the webhosting industry or else if you are a regular internet use then you should have read this word “PHP” for hundreds of times. You might have known what importance PHP has in the hosting, web designing and over all World Wide Web. Read More
Blogging is the buzz of the day in recent times when everyone is trying to prove their online presence everyone is in a race to start their own blogs. Although there are different platforms of blogging some like to blog on their own site with own domains, whereas some like to take help from the pro Read More

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