Crunchynow submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Owning and maintaining a blog is not a simple thing. If you own a blog then you will surely be aware of importance of keeping your blog fresh. It is important to keep the interest of your audience in your blog. Routine things can very quickly fade their interest away, which means you will loose you Read More
There are many types of blogging insight blogging, meme blogging, piggyback blogging, life blogging, link blogging, photo blogging, review blogging, evangelist blogging, list blogging, repose blogging, interview blogging, event blogging, live blogging, bridge blogging, classified blogging. Read More
Wp-SpamFree is a powerful spam protector plugin which could protect your site from various spam comments, additionally it also has an anti spam protection against links and trackballs coming from bad sites. This plugin stops the spam before it gets to the database, so there is no cluttering up of t Read More
For blog owners, now its time to change the blog for mobile compatibility users also. If you are looking at the stats from where the visitors are coming, you will find that most users are reaching your blog from one or the other mobile devices. So it becomes very important for blogger to get update Read More
The competition, these days is so much that it becomes difficult for every businessman to stay in the race. It takes more than what it did in the previous days. With the different types of media playing a strong role in both developing and spoiling the business, every businessman has to be wary of Read More
Cleaning the database often will provide more accurate and realistic data with more flexibility in terms of speed and duplication. A cleaner database runs more efficiently, which means that your blog can deliver its content faster. If the database is clean then it will take less time for the server Read More
Sometimes Hackers plant the key-logger along to this path through which whenever you type anything they get the record of every keystrokes. Protecting from hackers is always important for any type of business. So, if you are trying to login in your wordpress dashboard you should follow some securit Read More
I would say writing an article for my blog is an easy job but writing the “About me” page is one of the most difficult jobs for everyone beyond any doubts. Well, why do you have to write an “About me” page, undoubtedly it should be there. I have seen few people writing some worst “About Me” pages w Read More
SEO is always been one of the most important tactics for people to get into searches. Its always important for blogger to keep their SEO work for the theme on track. While webmaster who themselves create themes are always looking to make an SEO optimized theme. Read More
Wordpress Guard Plugin is a must-have Wordpress security plugin that protects the vulnerable areas of your blog from outside access with an additional layer of security. Read More

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