Crunchynow submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Internet is all abuzz with the news that Facebook is going to close down March 15th. Isn't it funny how a dumb rumor like this will spread across the world in just a few minutes and becomes such a huge focus. But this could be true as well. Read More is a place where u can make a decent amount of money by posting a task with the time taken to complete the task for the buyer. Read More
Google chrome is second most popular browser among internet users. It has number of highly useful extensions for designers and developers and also for blogger. Google chrome started releasing there extensions from 2009 officially, but till then they were not having any extension in the market. Now Read More
Facebook wall status is a nice way to keep your friends update with your current tweet going on in your life but at times you may not like your friend or family member look after it. Read More
If you own a blog on WordPress and using Google Chrome browser, here’s an interesting extension called “WordPress Checker”, which keeps track of one or more blogs for unmoderated and spam comments for you to approve or delete them. Read More
According to the report, the market share of visits to increased 185% last week from the same week in 2009. And Google? Well, they grew, but only 9%. This clearly proved that facebook is advanced at a rapid speed. Read More
Our Authors Robin Shah and Sameer Gandhi are doing this job pretty well of posting articles and following them up daily. We appreciate their work whole heartedly and as a part of this site, i will like to thanks them for getting som much work done. Read More
Its also essential for bloggers to identically submit there blog URL's to the following list of directories. Its always important for a blogger or any site owner to submit to these list, so that there site will index in the popular search engine quickly. Read More
Nokia has just unveiled the Nokia C5-03, or Nokia C5, an inexpensive and lightweight touchscreen device that runs the S60 5th edition operating system, and will hit stores by the end of the year. It weighs just 93g, and has an expected retail priceof 170 euros, which is approximately Rs.10,500. Read More
Just Host are a new London based web hosting company with offices located in the US. However, don't let their relative newness put you off – the company boast a wealth of experience well beyond their years and as a result, Offering fantastic low cost plans, excellent technical support and guarantee Read More

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