Crunchynow submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Hellotxt is a website which will allow you to update your status to multiple service at the same time. This service was launched in 2007 Read More
This is a great news for the hackers as facebook have decided to conduct a hacking event. This event is known as Hackathons cup a late night code session. Read More
My last article suggested that nowadays Online shopping frauds have increased and how could one be preventive against online frauds. But today the topic is very much related to SSL and internet. Bots have been playing role in distracting the world of internet and websites with their powerful algori Read More
When someone comes to your website, and asks for a webpage that doesn’t exist, the webserver serves up a 404 ERROR, PAGE NOT FOUND. Webpages get “lost” for various reasons, some of which you, the WordPress operator, have no control over Read More
However one can also use Stumbleupon to get into top easily or you can also share your blogs or news via Digg Digg, if you using Wordpress. Now lets go on toward our article on how to get your website noticed. Read More
The PollDaddy Polls and Ratings plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can create polls, choose from 20 different styles for your polls, and view all results for your polls as they come in. Read More
It will show us few glimpse about facebook and twitter which you might not knew before. these are the most popular social networking sites of the world. Read More
The most common All in One SEO Pack is a woderful package, with this One can also Automatic Link Keyword with SEO Smart Links, and perhaps using SEO Friendly Images is a must for all, 404 SEO Plugin will enable you to do all SEO things possible. It also known as an SEO boost! This simple plugin wil Read More
This plugin will automatically excerpt all posts in your homepage. It gives you the flexibility of selecting after how many paragraph with at least how many characters you can excerpt your posts. Read More
According to the Consumer Electronics Association, the average American adult has more than 1,800 digital files. Instead of cleaning up our systems, Americans are likely to just go out and buy a new system, rather than fix or maintain the one they have. Read More

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