Eyalkatz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Another thing you see a lot of this time of year (even more than usual!) are top 10 lists. There’s just so many of them, it’s hard to choose which to read while killing time on the ski lift.

But if you are going to choose, here are the top 3 reasons why you should choose this one Read More
CPCs are constantly changing and it’s hard to keep up in the frenzied world of auction based ad networks. But not to worry, we’ve concentrated all of the cheapest or, if you prefer, cost-effective CPC networks out there just for you. We promise not to tell your competitors and jack up the prices….s Read More

[Infographic] The Secrets Behind Successful Google AdSense Ads

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Advertising
From http://www.adngin.com 3194 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on December 26, 2015 2:56 am
Getting more clicks on ads is the holy grail of CPC (cost-per-click) based monetization. But it’s a journey with many questions along the way. Bringing audience to your content is important. Unfortunately, page-views rarely pay the bills. Highly priced, well targeted ads are great. But what good ar Read More
Sure, social media is sexy but forums get it done. If you’re looking for expert, technical, or personal advice on Google AdSense you probably don’t want to broadcast it to the world on Facebook. That’s where Google AdSense forums come in and here’s a list of the three best ones. Read More
Monetizing mobile traffic ain’t no joke. More website traffic than ever is coming from mobile devices, while ad revenues lag behind. One of the solutions to this challenge for publishers is pagination. But only if you do it right. Read More

The Full Guide to Unmasking Ad Blocker Traffic in Google Analytics

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Advertising
From http://www.adngin.com 3211 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 6, 2015 2:21 pm
Why do I need to know who uses ad blockers on my website?

Ad Blocker software doesn’t care about your terms and conditions, or how hard you work to create your content. In the process of blocking your ads, it messes up your Google Analytics tracking – and it leaves you guessing. Read More

The Infinitely Absolute Guide to Google News RSS Feed

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Marketing
From http://www.adngin.com 3219 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on December 1, 2015 10:19 am
Google News is not only a great way to stay up-to-date on current events, but also a useful tool for publishers. A tool that can help you get more organic traffic to your website and increase your ad revenues. So how do you get your content listed alongside major news outlets? Surprisingly enough, Read More

5 Multi-Arm Bandit Tests to Improve Your Monetization

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Online Marketing
From http://www.adngin.com 3227 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on November 21, 2015 5:42 am
If you’ve ever seen a grandma with seventeen inch biceps, then she likely runs multi-arm bandit tests. She uses it to increase her gambling revenue at the local casino. You’re going to use it to improve your website’s monetization. Read More
If you’re reading this, chances are you haven’t been invited to Google’s most exclusive club. Don’t cry–you’re not alone. We all know that a standard AdSense account, when measured, tested, and adjusted can bring in some killer revenue. So what’s the deal with the mythical Premium AdSense Publisher Read More

Top 10 content marketing tactics for the holidays

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Marketing
From http://www.adngin.com 3240 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on November 6, 2015 11:55 am
It’s that time of year again for talking content marketing strategy. Just when you decide it’s ok to gain 10 lbs and drink like a university student at the holiday office party… it hits you. Read More

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