Eyalkatz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Facebook is a great advertising platform but it’s not without its problems. With more advertisers joining every day, two of the most common problems that advertisers face are getting enough reach for your campaigns, and getting that reach at a cost effective price per click. Read More
Success in online content monetization is a long, hard struggle. It is known. And the net is dark and full of obstacles on your way to monetizing online content creation and curation.

We know that each content niche is unique and different in their own special way, just as every GoT house is dif Read More
Even the best banner ads become less effective the more you see them. An ad that’s fresh and noticeable one day will gradually blend into the background the more often you see it, leading to a phenomenon advertisers refer to as banner blindness, ad exhaustion or ad fatigue. Read More
You created some truly epic content and drove truck loads of quality traffic to your website. It makes sense to want to make the most money from every click, and avoid low-priced ads. So don’t say we never did anything for you. Here’s a complete guide to cutting out those low-cpc ads from your inve Read More
The Google Sandbox. Well, it isn’t the place where kids have fun and neighborhood kittens do their “gardening”. It’s actually an important phenomenon to help in understanding your SEO (or Search Engine Optimization).
An important phenomenon with newly launched websites. Google Sandbox acts as a te Read More
Native advertising promised to be the savior of online and mobile content monetization, and the natural evolution of digital advertising. But only if you did it right. So is it worth the risk for YOU? Only if you know what you’re doing. And we’re here to help you along..
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So the short answer is that, yes, you must be concerned with engagement metrics.

But you have to use them strategically.

As with any toolbox, you don’t use everything all at once without knowing what you’re doing. You select a specific set of tools that is appropriate for the task. Your avail Read More
User experience and AdSense earnings are closely connected. This eBook covers basic and advanced knowledge necessary to optimize your website’s user experience and earn more from AdSense. Read More

The Ultimate Guide: How Publishers Can Join the Apple News App

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Online Marketing
From https://goo.gl 3100 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on March 27, 2016 10:51 am
Apple has recently announced that its news-stand app, Apple News, will be open to all publishers. What does this mean for the display ad market, and how does this affect you? We checked and came back with (almost) all the answers. Read More
The below is a case study that details two of the experiments ran on the AdNgin testing platform to increase Trendelier.com’s, one of the largest entertainment news websites, overall AdSense RPM by 217% in 5 weeks. Read More

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