Eyalkatz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In all honesty, communicating with deskless employees has never been easy to begin with. Technology has done a lot to help but even as our work culture increasingly shifts toward mobility, teleworking, and the freelance economy, communication challenges have also evolved, multiplied, and become ve Read More
“Time is money” goes the saying. Yet, contrary to what many small business owners assume, the integration of a time clock solution in your business doesn’t have to be a complex and costly project. Affordability, ease of use, and implementation speed are just a few of the reasons why web-based and m Read More
You don’t need to hear from me that construction work is dangerous – you already know it. What you might not know, is that the number of fatalities in the construction industry is the highest compared to all other industries (if you exclude motorway accidents prevalent across all fields of industry Read More
Unlike previous generations, that were looking for little more than steady pay and long-term employment, today’s employees are quick to switch workplaces if they don’t feel satisfied. Does this sound familiar? That’s because it’s a growing phenomenon some call the “Tinderization” of the workplace. Read More
You must have noticed, though, how much the way people work is changing. As businesses struggle to keep up with customer demands and technology advances, you must rely more than ever on your key differentiator: innovative, committed, and customer-oriented people.

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How do you create a fast and effectively way to deliver company policies to all your employees? How do you manage daily changes in operational tasks and workflows and communicate those to relevant employees? How do you provide on-the-job training? How do you make sure employees are aware and comply Read More
If you’re an old geezer like me, you might remember the theme song of the 1980s sitcom “Cheers”. It says that “sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name”. When it comes to retail, most clients want just that. Read More
Every seasoned mariner knows that fire is one of the biggest dangers your crew, passengers, and cargo face at sea. And unlike a warehouse or office fire, you can’t really call the firefighters and hope they do their job well Read More
For years, your friends and family told you what a great cook you are, and that you should open a restaurant. But you just smiled and shrugged knowing you’d never do that. Until, one day, when venus was finally in full alignment with saturn, and you made up your mind to quit your day job and go ful Read More
Technology offers us a plethora of solutions to make our lives easier as HR professionals and business managers. Or at least it tries. It doesn’t matter if you’re migrating from an outdated system, or looking to implement from scratch for a new business. Sometimes the main challenge is choosing the Read More

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