Eyalkatz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Most advertisers have historically relied on three classes of data, all of which came with a certain level of a violation of privacy of the consumer. Recently, a new class of data, "Zero-Party Data" is creating a slow inexorable shift towards personal data that is willingly given to advertisers. Read More
Data is the backbone of almost every modern app development. Without data, the app is mostly static and will probably won’t be able to do much. Back in the 90s, XML was the predominant methodology used to transmit data over the Internet. Read More

Top 10 Affiliate Network Publishers Should Join in 2020

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Online Marketing
From https://blog.pangeopro.com 1688 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on February 9, 2020 9:53 am
Monetization through affiliate networks isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s getting more popular. In 2020, the challenge is picking the ones your audience will love. How should you choose? And which networks should you look at first? Read More
Most major frameworks have a command-line interface that you can install via npm to scaffold out a barebone application. package.json is a simple file that has the potential to turn complex as it grows. The dependencies object is only a small part of what it can do and covers the scope of the artic Read More

8 Steps to Becoming a Better Online Affiliate

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Marketing
From https://blog.pangeopro.com 1708 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on January 18, 2020 1:39 pm
Affiliate marketing success in 2020 requires a healthy appreciation for that ever-present chasm between expectations and reality. Too many affiliates hear the words “passive income” and get hung up on the “passive” part, thinking they’re setting up revenue streams that work like rainwater collector Read More
The main advantage of the Intellij IDEA Python plugin over PyCharm is its full range of Jython support features (cross-language navigation, completion and refactoring).

PyCharm only supports Jython as the runtime for running applications. So if you’re using Java/Python integration in your projec Read More

Top 10 Social Listening Tools

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Social Media
From https://www.oktopost.com 1715 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on January 12, 2020 8:30 am
Social listening means monitoring feeds and platforms for references to your brand, products, competitors, and related keywords, and then taking the extra step to analyze and comprehend what’s being said, who’s saying it, and why, so that you can take action based on that information. That might me Read More
The ability to maintain a real presence in a foreign market does not always keep pace with the ability to sell in that market. Rather than cede these markets to competitors or launch campaigns without the ability to test and monitor them, global ecommerce companies can avail themselves... Read More
What is ad inventory arbitrage? How is it different from traffic arbitrage and who benefits from it? Is it dying? And if so, what is killing the ad inventory arbitrage industry? But most importantly – how does all this influence you, the publisher... Read More
If you run a website and you’re not using video, you could be missing out on a huge amount of traffic every month, not to mention on some pretty lucrative monetization options.

If we consider traffic volumes and engagement to be our metric of choice then video content is the new king of internet Read More

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