Eyalkatz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Dynamic Ads enable you to laser-target people who browse home and apartment listings on your site, and present them with relevant adverts for properties when they use Facebook. Read More
Still using pen and paper for employee time record keeping? Relying on shift schedules for payroll calculations? Then your company is leaking money and you're probably open to lawsuits and IRS penalties. Read More
Optimally, 8-10% of your website visitors should transform into potential deals for your HVAC business – “leads”. Does your website do that? Read More

The 10 Best Change Management Strategies

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Strategy
From https://connecteam.com 2621 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on July 19, 2017 1:27 pm
Change management in your organization is not just your ticket to success. it’s also the way to ensure a competitive edge that will help you survive. Read More
Choosing the right time clock for your business can be daunting it’s not just about matching your business needs with a solution. Read More
Google Home Service Ads are offered to local services combining sponsored local listings with a Google service guarantee. Read More
Social media fails come in all shapes and sizes. From tiny little embarrassments (that you can actually “ride” on to create conversation), to brand-killing disasters that can, potentially, damage your reputation and business beyond repair. Read More
Social media fails come in all shapes and sizes. From tiny little embarrassments (that you can actually “ride” on to create conversation), to brand-killing disasters that can, potentially, damage your reputation and business beyond repair.

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Putty, nails, hammers, wood, glue, sheet metal. When it comes to home and office restoration the tools of the trade are well established; or at least they were. Until recently, to be considered a professional, and run a successful business, you simply needed to be good at using them. Read More
Millennials spend six hours on social media every week – and Generation X spend seven!

Facebook alone has 1.86 billion users and ¾ of them log in daily to see, “like,” comment, and share photos of their friends and trending news. 62% of American adults get news from social media – 44% get it fro Read More

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