Jasonfox submitted the following stories to BizSugar

“You don’t have to reinvent the wheel; you just need to share your unique perspective on why the wheel is important.” ~ Jon Ball

Hubspot has released a FREE tool called the... Read More
The purpose of this post is to talk in depth about what Content Marketing is.

Content Marketing is Creating Content that works to Acquire New Customers

In other words it is the act of... Read More

Why Would You Use The Hashtag #Infographic

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Social Media
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3863 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on December 31, 2013 10:26 pm
To help explain the POWER of the hashtag, or how it can help you get more traffic, leads, and sales I will reference an #Infographic I found. Read More

10 Ways To Increase Facebook Page Engagement [ #Slidegraphic ]

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Social Media
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3922 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on November 1, 2013 10:53 pm
Trying to get Facebook Page engagement might be the most frustrating aspect of internet marketing for me!

If you are struggling to get your fans to Like, Comment, and share your facebook content than these 10 ways to increase Facebook page engagement might be helpful for you to. Read More

Responsive Web Design: Engage Your Target Market Online

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Online Marketing
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3937 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on October 21, 2013 8:49 am
The tremendous power of the internet to reach target markets and break down geographic barriers is a double-edged sword;

A quality site can open up markets previously unavailable, while a poorly constructed one can drive potential consumers to a competitor in seconds. Read More
e are pleased to announce a new partnership with SoMedia Networks, the largest provider of on-demand video marketing services in North America. This partnership allows us to offer a range of high-quality video products designed to create awareness, engage your customers, and drive more business for Read More
Moz took survey data from over 100 search engine professionals and presents it for free. What is interesting about this report, is that they do not give us the data they have accumulated from their 1,000′s of SEO clients. They give the data from over 100 SEO professionals… Read More
I was interviewed today by +David Oldenburg and +Nicole Flannery on the Online Money Show to talk about Google+ circles and building an audience on G+. If you are interested in learning more about circles on Google+, please watch the show and feel free to ask me questions in the comments below. I h Read More
There are 2 Essentials to Internet Marketing for Real Estate, in my opinion, a WordPress Website with IDX and an Real Estate Email Marketing Campaign. They go hand in hand and each one helps to make the other more effective.

The 1,2 punch of Internet Marketing is generating traffic and leads wi Read More

Traffic By Powerpoint! How To Use Slideshare For SEO

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Online Marketing
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3963 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on September 24, 2013 3:40 pm
Traffic By Powerpoint! How To Use Slideshare For SEO

We have all heard the phrase “Death By PowerPoint”, but what about “Website Traffic By Powerpoint”? Sounds a bit fishy until you see what I mean.

“With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million pageviews, Slideshare is amongst the most v Read More

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