Leadingresults submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Here are the 10 things you should not be doing in your marketing, and then 7 steps to take to correct the errors of the past and accelerate your growth. Read More
Advertising is not marketing although it might be part of it. For small businesses, this is crucial to understand as consumers have become increasingly immune. Effective marketing, on the other hand...
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Our current economy isn't changing - it is the new normal. So how do you market and sell today? Its been said before... differentiate. Read More
Groupon isn’t a free path to riches and new customers. It is a great way to get new faces in the door or on the phone – but monetizing that relationship – getting more from it than the value of the Groupon – is up to you and your planning. Read More

Half of my marketing dollars are wasted

Avatar Posted by leadingresults under Marketing
From http://www.leadingresults.com 4737 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on October 3, 2011 10:28 pm
Random marketing tactics, tried in a shotgun approach, blindly waste tremendous resources, time and energy. It used to be true that it was too hard measure what was or wasn't working. Not anymore. Measurement can make a huge difference in profitability. Here's a story from the gutter.

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Would you? I mean a plumber or plumbing contractor is always around the inside of the house as it is getting built. They see how the walls go up and the foundation is set. Probably not, but would you hire a web designer or SEO firm to construct your marketing strategy? Or worse yet, would you hire Read More
Are You Losing Customers Because You Don’t Know How To Differentiate Yourself? Customer service isn't differentiation, its the price of admission. Here are 4 ways to establish a real difference for your business. Read More
An open letter to a client (and future clients) on what I would do if I ran your marketing. It isn't every tactic, but an integrated mix that makes sense. Read More
When picking up some fruits and veggies, a sign over some mini watermelons stopped me cold in my tracks. This watermelon sign sets a great example for anyone who thinks they may be selling a commodity. Read More
Mindjet shows a really great example to follow for a marketing and customer experience that makes it easy to acquire new customers Read More

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