Mariajoe submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Social Media Mistakes Businesses Should Avoid

Avatar Posted by mariajoe under Marketing
From 5538 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 31, 2009 11:10 pm
This one is the easiest to commit so of course it's one of the mistakes that can make your social media efforts far less effective — and perhaps a total waste of time. You've heard the saying that it's hard to drink from a fire hose. In the social media world, it's also hard to read from one. One of the easiest things to do - and most impor Read More
Despite not having a panel of its own at SMX Advanced this year (maybe next year, Danny?), it seems to me that Local Search is coming of age right before our eyes. Local has now reached a level of prominence where it's time for SEO companies (and large, location-sensitive companies who do their search marketing in-house) to truly start thinking a Read More

Small Business: Economic Recovery? What Recovery?

Avatar Posted by mariajoe under News
From 5553 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 18, 2009 1:14 am
Why entrepreneurs aren't so optimistic about the economy. Read More

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