Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The very first thing you have to do is determine if your search engine penalty is a result of a manual act or simply because of an algorithm update. For instance, the Penguin update was a change to Google’s algorithm so if your site’s organic visitor traffic dropped off on or just after April 24th, Read More
Link building is a huge component of an SEO strategy since inbound links to a site are what help to establish trust and relevance with the search engines. Link building has undergone many facelifts through the years. At one time almost any link had value and paying for links wasn’t uncommon. The se Read More
Getting a website to appear prominently in the search engines is a difficult task. It takes time to conduct keyword research, incorporate keywords into website meta information and on page content, and build inbound links from a variety of trusted sources. While these are the key components of an S Read More
As the owner of a white hat SEO agency, I believe that one of the keys to maintaining a successful relationship with my full service SEO clients is transparency. I know that the SEO industry as a whole has a less-than-favorable reputation and there are plenty of site owners out there that have gott Read More
Links are an important component of SEO because the search engine spiders crawl the web from link to link to determine what certain pages are about in order to rank them properly. While the link focus of an SEO campaign tends to be on generating valuable inbound links to a site from outside sources Read More
A problem I see with many site owners that manage their own SEO campaigns, especially if they don’t have a strong SEO background, is they often get fixated on the wrong SEO goals. SEO means building links so that’s all they care about—just get a link and move onto the next one. Websites that rank # Read More
As a small business owner, I know that link building can sometimes (ok, oftentimes) get pushed to the back-burner. After all, you’ve got a business to run! As the owner you’re probably used to wearing multiple hats and running in a dozen directions all at once just to keep things afloat. But small Read More
If you’re in the market for an SEO firm or currently working with one there is one very important thing that you must understand; you are an integral part of the SEO process. As much as some SEO firms may like to claim that they can “do it all”, it’s really not true. SEO firms have SEO Specialists Read More
A lot of site owners have asked me how they can learn SEO. There seems to be so many different sources of information out there, and for every level of expertise, that it’s hard to know where to start if you’ve never done any SEO before. Here are 4 (albeit of the many) ways that you can learn SEO f Read More
Most businesses launch their company domain alongside the rest of their business, so all the SEO, link building, social media and content marketing history is under their control from day one. But what happens when you buy a pre-existing domain or fold a smaller business into your own, redirecting Read More

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