Rwalling submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Twitter and Facebook are the darlings of the media for the time being, and it seems no one gives a rip about blogs anymore. That hot topic of yesteryear is now a fad of the past, much like Chia pets and Snuggies. Wait, you haven't heard of a Snuggie? Be really disappointed you missed out on that one. Where was I? Oh yes, blogs. They're over. Done. Read More
Every public artifact I created (this blog, articles, launching a new site) incrementally increased my credibility, and increased the number of development requests I received. In the end you have to invest time to build your name. In my case, and I've heard this is typical, it was years. But the way I looked at it I was either going to invest 500 Read More
When I talk to people who are thinking about launching a software product, from time to time I hear that if they could get to the front page of Digg or get a mention on TechCrunch that they would be set. The problem is, your market is most likely not the people who read Digg. Nor the people who read TechCrunch. Read More
Why would someone take this 1-in-10,000 chance to a startup when there are approaches with a much higher success rate that provide nearly all of the same benefits? Because high-growth startups are where the cool kids hang out. We dream of being the next startup poster boy or girl that gets mentioned on TechCrunch. Read More
Like me, you've probably visited hundreds of startup websites in the past 6 months. Each one had about three seconds to sell you on their product. Pretty soon you'll be on the other side of that coin - you'll have 3 seconds to convince someone to buy your product. And you know what? You're going to fail. A lot. Read More
The roadblock that so many entrepreneurs encounter as they try to launch is thinking they, or one of their co-founders, has to perform every task necessary to get their product out the door. This comes back to the question: when it comes to your product should you build it, buy it or hire it out?. While you don't have to (and should not) hire out Read More

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