Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Productivity isn’t about working longer or harder. It’s about working better, working smarter. So how do you go about it? Let’s take a look at eight traits that super productive people all share. Read More
The new year offers a great opportunity for you to evaluate your leadership strategies. The following leadership strategies may help you make your team more effective this year. Consider taking some time to evaluate your leadership and consider any changes that might help your team learn and grow. Read More
Though you might need to check your local zoning codes to see if a garage business is a possibility for you, there are plenty of different business options for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses from this type of space. Here are 50 businesses you can start right from your own garag Read More
The internet offers so many different opportunities for entrepreneurs that you can build a B2B business entirely on the web. And there are no shortage of options out there either. Here are 50 different B2B businesses you can start online. Read More
There was heavy snowfall in and around Seattle for the first time in years, but the weather-watch didn’t stop 50-plus attendees and 10-plus speakers from engaging in Microsoft Partner Network’s 100 Days to Cloud workshop. Read More

4 Hard Truths About the First Year of Launching Your Business

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2813 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 20, 2017 11:20 am
A lot of first-time business owners are simply unprepared for what to expect their first year, and that leads to their own demise. But if you can survive the first 12 months, you have a decent shot at long-term success. Here’s what you need to be aware of if you’re planning to launch a business thi Read More
Sam Mallikarjunan, Principal Marketing Strategist at HubSpot and editor of, discusses how the site differs from the content HubSpot is best known for, why they built the site on Medium and how it’s helping them compete with established management brands like Harvard Business Review Read More
We live in a business world that’s largely ruled by automation. As a result, you’re losing time and money if you’re manually doing something that your competition is streamlining through automation. But are you aware of the various marketing tasks that your competitors are already automating? Read More

6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Podcasting

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2816 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 17, 2017 2:19 pm
Businesses nowadays are increasingly using podcasts to improve their prospects. It is a powerful marketing tool. Podcasts have become the new talk radio on mobile devices. In fact, the increased usage of mobile phones has led to the explosive growth of podcasting. Let’s take a look at how podcastin Read More
Is your business located in an area hard hit by winter weather? If your business has vehicles that transport goods between locations, make deliveries, are used regularly for business meetings or for making sales calls, then you may need to take some extra precautions. Here are 21 things you should Read More

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