Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Did you know online listings, digital knowledge management and reviews can be the most important local marketing your business can have? Certainly social media marketing is important as is the quality of your website and other aspects of your business’s web presence. But tending your online listing Read More
There’s a lot more to computer science than just coding: like data analysis, cybersecurity, and how networks work. And today every single industry is impacted by these things — they’re changing everything. Schools need to give students a well rounded background. Read More
A smartphone is just as much a business communication device as it is a personal one. But using a single number for both on your phone is unprofessional and unnecessarily problematic. But smartphone technology and the many apps available in the marketplace allow you to easily get a second phone num Read More
In today’s digital age, you need to be on top of social media marketing, but, with so many social media platforms in play, it can be challenging to find the right way of approaching your target audience. This is largely due to businesses not taking the time to research their target audience with th Read More

Small Businesses: How to Network Like a Pro

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2529 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on October 28, 2017 4:47 pm
Networking skills: sometimes it feels like you either have them or you don’t. Putting yourself out there at social gatherings comes so naturally to a lot of folks, while others struggle when forced to strike up conversations with strangers. here are seven tips for small business leaders to use netw Read More
You don’t need a ton of space to start a small business. Once the kids have moved out or you’ve finally cleaned out that room at the end of the hall, that extra space can help you get a new business off the ground. Here are 50 small business ideas you can start in a spare room. Read More
The pizza market is already fairly saturated. But that doesn’t mean that there are no new opportunities in the industry. Businesses like Urban Bricks Pizza are still finding new ways to differentiate their offerings. You can read more about Urban Bricks Pizza and how the business sets itself apart. Read More
Small Business Trends recently ran into Atul Singh, founder and CEO of The Shelf at Influencer Marketing Days in New York City’s Times Square. At the event, Singh discussed the importance of data and the ability to create campaigns that get actual results in influencer marketing campaigns, pointing Read More
We live in an age of continual disruption. One wave follows another. And with the good comes the challenges. Speaking at the NextCon17 conference, Brian Solis, a principal analyst studying disruptive technology and its impact on business at Altimeter Group, explained why all this disruption has giv Read More

The Power of the Authentic Message in Influencer Marketing

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2531 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on October 29, 2017 4:09 pm
Small Business Trends spoke with author, consultant and trainer Jill Lublin at the recent Influencer Marketing Days conference in Midtown New York City. During the conversation, Lublin revealed some of the top ways influencers can build those authentic connections. Read More

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