Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

As more states are legalizing recreational use of marijuana, a California-based company is introducing a new system for coming up with a new set of marijuana classifications to make the product more consumer friendly. Read More
Having an energy-efficient office or place of business goes beyond making sure your lights and other unnecessary equipment are turned off while your company is closed. It can also mean making sure your building doesn’t have any air leaks allowing dollars to escape with your heating or air condition Read More
Hashtags can be a great tool for organizing tweets, joining conversations and promoting your business. They are also a great way to get your content and brand in front of new audiences. While trending hashtags keeping on changing all the time, there are some that tend to trend consistently for each Read More
Whether you work in a traditional office, a home office, or on the road, your productivity and morale can be affected by the way you set up your office. From choosing your office space to how you decorate and organize it, there are a lot of decisions to make. In addition, there are many things you Read More
If you are a small business owner, your telephone number may well be part of your community identity, especially if you have already invested in advertising and business cards. Here are things you should know and steps you should take if you want to change telephone carriers without losing your pho Read More
Cash is not always king. As our society steadily moves towards becoming more digitalized and reliant on technology, we are seeing less physical money exchange hands. Here are four of the best credit card processing solutions for small business owners. Read More

Here’s Meet, The New Google Hangouts?

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 2764 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on March 9, 2017 5:55 pm
Google has quietly launched Meet by Google, a new video conferencing application that is designed for HD video meetings. The application appears to be the latest addition to Google’s lineup of business products known as G Suite. Read More
Not all sales and marketing strategies are created equal. Some require a lot of work and resources for very little reward. And others are actually optimized to get more done with less. Here are some tips from our small business community for getting more done with your sales and marketing efforts. Read More
It is not uncommon for small businesses to bypass cyber-security measures, believing that cyber-crime is reserved for major financial institutions or government organizations. However, small businesses are frequent targets because their websites and databases may have less stringent security protoc Read More
The distress thousands of small businesses felt when Amazon S3 service was crippled for almost four hours on the morning of Feb. 28 was caused by, drum roll … a single command that was entered incorrectly. In other words, it was human error. A typo. Read More

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