Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

To Be or Not to Be: Pros and Cons of the Small Business LLC

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2746 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on March 27, 2017 10:52 am
About 2.4 million U.S. businesses identified as LLCs in 2014, according to the latest figures available from the IRS. Take a look at these advantages and disadvantages to help you decide whether an LLC is the right structure for your business. Read More

LuminAID Goes from Shark Tank Funding to FedEx Win

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2746 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on March 28, 2017 1:38 pm
An innovative device created by Andrea Sreshta and Anna Stork called LuminAID has changed the game with an innovative, inflatable and portable lighting device. LuminAID started as a simple class project and now is a true disaster relief product. LuminAid is one of the prize winners in the 2016 FedE Read More
You can beat freelance fatigue with a few changes to your routine. Incorporating systems that work for you and finding time for self-care is the way to recharge yourself. When you’re a freelancer, you need to keep working to keep making money. Don’t let fatigue get in the way of your money! Read More
How do you create an environment where employees feel empowered to share their thoughts, openly and honestly? It may require a bit of time, but you can create a culture where employees are comfortable giving feedback. Read More
Mark Furr, the founder of LAN Scape Solutions Productivity Partners, a Microsoft Partner, recently spoke to Small Business Trends about using cloud-based technology both to launch his business and to help clients improve productivity. Read More
Customer support is an important function for any business. But it can be especially vital for tech startups. And that’s specifically the type of business that customer service outsourcing company SupportYourApp aims to help. Read More
Meet the founders of Ginjan Brothers, LLC, a Harlem-based beverage company that specializes in traditional African beverages. They won the grand prize in the 2016 FedEx Small Business Grant Contest. Ginjan Brothers recently shared the social media Facebook strategy they use to help propel their suc Read More
Detailed forecast reports can help you explore various scenarios, manage risks and plan for your business's future growth. Read More
When you’re a small business owner, time is always working against you. There’s a lot to get done and you typically don’t have a big staff, or a staff at all, to help. You could try working more hours, but that can actually work against you. You can hire employees, but that’s not always financially Read More
The goal of using social media for business purposes is essentially to give your brand a voice with which followers can relate on a personal level. While this might sound like a relatively simple task at first, it can actually be quite difficult to execute. With this in mind, there are three vital Read More

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