Tabithajeannaylor submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Are you planning to make a purchase online? If so, there’s a good chance you have viewed a video on the product. After all, videos are much more effective when you want to learn the features of a product you are considering buying. Also, it is much less time consuming to watch videos, rather than r Read More
For our second installment of GaryVee’s weekly wrap-up, we’ll begin with the article “3 Reasons This Title Won’t Work in 2019” Gary starts out by saying there’s a significant reason he wrote this article using the above title and that it has to do with the fact that marketers ruin everything. Gary Read More
Are you a self-proclaimed night owl who in spite of working like a dog on your new business, chooses to stay up late chilling out in front of the boob tube or checking out what’s new on social media? Then it’s highly likely that you are barely making it through the work day as you feel worn out and Read More
To kick off this brand new work week leading up to the Easter holiday, we’re going to start with GaryVee’s article entitled simply “Hack” or “Growing Fast? Maintaining Your Intimate Customer Experience with One Easy Hack”. Gary begins by saying that it’s great news to learn that your company is gro Read More
In case you missed it, there’s quite a bit of online buzz out there about a thing called Meerkat. What is Meerkat? It’s an app that allows users to easily stream live video from a mobile device with real-time interaction. While live streaming certainly isn’t a new way to market, Meerkat makes the p Read More
Employee retention matters to any business and it matters a lot! Any business that is able to retain key, talented staff is much better off in the long run. Your best workers help you sell products and services, they ensure your customers are satisfied and they go far in keeping co-workers in check Read More
For our second installment of GaryVee's weekly wrap-up, we'll begin with the article “If You're Trying to 'Convert' Your Customer, You're Doing Something Wrong”. Gary says that he is often asked how to take someone from “maybe” to “yes”. He states that he does not try to win them over and that he i Read More
It’s a brand new week with whole new possibilities awaiting! Because so many of us find it hard to get going at the start of a new work week, we thought it would be appropriate to start off with GaryVee’s article, “Get Off Your Lazy “But”. Gary begins the piece by saying that the article is not a Read More
The team at Successful Startup 101 hopes that all of you who celebrated St. Patrick’s Day yesterday had a great time and that you didn’t drink too much green beer! To kickoff the first of this week’s wrap-up of Gary Vaynerchuk’s recent content, we’re going to begin with the article “Business Advice Read More

Brain Training 101: Staying on Task

Avatar Posted by tabithajeannaylor under Marketing
From 3456 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on March 26, 2015 9:25 am
As a new startup founder, you’re always being pulled in different directions as you have tons of things to do from taking calls from customers, answering emails and dealing with employees. As you are constantly going from one task to another, it’s super easy to get off track and lose focus. In this Read More

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