These stories submitted by Kahlua16 became hot on BizSugar

How to Create a Blog: A Beginner's Guide

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Marketing
From 736 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on July 23, 2022 1:57 pm
Blogging doesn't seem as in vogue these days, compared to becoming a "YouTuber" (aka vlogger), Instagram/TikTok "Influencer," or even a podcaster. But a full-blown blog—a term that goes back to the late 1990s, when "weblogs" first began—is where real writing happens. Read More
Is “People Operations” just a way to escape the negative associations with “HR Department” or is there really a difference? Read More
Customer churn is a big problem for many companies. If you struggle with churn, then use these 12 tips to stop losing customers immediately. Read More
Organizational commitment is the study of why employees stay with a company. In particular, how do employees engage with an organization?

The idea of organizational commitment is measured using I/O psychology. Just between us, that’s industrial and organizational psychology. Read More
Since many businesses haven’t been face-to-face with employees over the last two years, managers have shifted their resources toward building a thriving remote work environment. One concept that many organizations are focusing on is helping employees develop a learner’s mindset. Read More

How to Make Email Work for Team Collaboration

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Management
From 786 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on June 8, 2022 9:42 am
Do you know why some companies are way more successful than others? There are a bunch of different reasons – the quality of talent, the culture that’s instilled, and so forth. But, at the core of it all is teamwork and teamwork ethic. Read More

Hiring Your First Employee? Here's How to Do It

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Human Resources
From 785 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on June 4, 2022 12:00 pm
Technology has made it easier than ever to run a successful business all on your own. But for those small-business owners hoping to grow their companies, at some point you’ll likely need to consider hiring your first employee. Read More

Your brain needs a break — these apps are here to help

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Products and Services
From 2815 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 13, 2016 4:20 pm
The human brain wasn’t built to go at full steam for hours on end. Studies have shown that performance suffers when you spend prolonged periods focusing on the same task. Brief mental breaks can help you stay focused, as well as give your mind the freedom to wander (which is necessary for creative Read More

An App Addict's Guide to Beating Task Management Blues

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Self-Development
From 2823 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on November 5, 2016 12:02 pm
For someone like me (e.g: messing around on apps constantly), a solution for task management should be elegant, enjoyable and more productive than if it weren’t to be used at all. The latter requirement was the hardest to meet, and a lot of apps I tried disorganized me further or consumed more time Read More

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