These stories submitted by Ryantaft became hot on BizSugar

Run Ads On Digital Signage In-Store

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Advertising
From 3804 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on February 27, 2014 4:52 pm
Running digital ads in-store has never been easier and more affordable for your business. Using the iPad to run ads on digital signage in-store is a great way to build awareness for your brand, products, services, and specific initiatives/promotions. Read More
When it comes to creating, and monitoring, your retail marketing strategy, there are certain questions that must be asked in order to ensure you're doing everything you possibly can to achieve your retail marketing goals. Read More

Malls Using Tablets for Marketing

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Marketing
From 3984 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on September 5, 2013 12:02 pm
Is your mall using tablets for marketing yet? Malls around the world are setting up tablets like Apple's iPad as kiosks for marketing to shoppers. Read More
OnSpot Social is an iPad app used by companies looking to get more Facebook Likes, add more Twitter Followers, & collect more email addresses. Companies large & small are using it in stores, at events, in physician offices, etc. In 14 months our customers collected over a quarter million connection Read More

An Easy Way To Get More Facebook Likes

Avatar Posted by ryantaft under Social Media
From 4053 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on June 25, 2013 12:47 pm
A big challenge with social media marketing is getting more Facebook Likes. OnSpot Social allows you to use an iPad in store as an easier way to get Facebook Likes. Read More
Numerous businesses can use iPad and OnSpot Social to get more Facebook Likes, Twitter followers, and customer email addresses. Here's how to do it in your store. Read More
Small Business Owners should run fantasy football leagues with their customers in order to build strong relationships with them. See what benefits fantasy football offers. Read More
Should I outsource social media marketing for my business? It's a question we hear quite often. The answer is, it depends. This article will help you make that decision. Read More
Foursquare has enabled a small Coffee Shop, Coffee Klatch, to obtain, engage, & retain customers. Foursquare has allowed Coffee Klatch to create unique customer experiences. Read More
Facebook is a powerful online tool for small businesses. Many small business owners don't know how to use Facebook effectively. Learn how to use Facebook for your business. Read More

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