These stories submitted by Stillwagon428 became hot on BizSugar

Sooner or later as a business owner, you are going to want to change something in your company. You’ll get excited by the potential, only problem is, the rest of your team may not be on board. Whatever form of change is occurring, I’ve learned a few techniques to help the transition and encourage t Read More
With summer upon us, now is the time to ramp up marketing campaigns and get in front of the flurry of potential customers out and about for the season. This free eBook is available to help businesses enhance their digital presence based on seasonal trends. Read More
Are you looking for an easy way to make your employees happy? Consider starting a “summer Friday” policy. More than four in 10 companies are doing so this summer, according to a survey by CEB — a 20 percent increase from 2015. Read More

Spotlight: Bryson City Bicycles Offers a Friendly Atmosphere

Spotlight: Bryson City Bicycles Offers a Friendly Atmosphere - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2572 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 26, 2017 10:33 am
If you’ve ever been to a bicycle shop, you may have been struck by how exclusive or unwelcoming the environment was. But that’s where one shop, Bryson City Bicycles, aims to set itself apart. Read about how this destination bike shop has built its business around a simple philosophy. Read More

15 Storage Franchise Business Opportunities

15 Storage Franchise Business Opportunities - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Franchises
From 2573 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on June 25, 2017 12:13 pm
The storage industry in the U.S. is growing. According to IBISWorld, the industry brings in an estimated $38 billion annually. And if you’re looking to break into this growing business niche, a franchise can be a great way to get the resources and know-how you need. Here are some storage franchise Read More
Invoice factoring is a very simple transaction that involves a business selling its outstanding invoices to a factoring company. The factoring company then collects on the invoice, when due, from the business’s customers. It seems like a very simple transaction, and it is, but the devil is always i Read More
Google just released a new app that could help businesses backup and sync files more efficiently. Backup and Sync is the aptly named application that will essentially replace parts of the existing Google Drive desktop apps for Mac and PC. Read More
Jason Dorsey, co-founder of the Center for Generational Kinetics and leading expert on researching millennials, shared with us some of the key findings of the survey, including what is driving millennials into entrepreneurship, and how their journey is different from their parents and grandparents’ Read More
A new report from Malwarebytes released today shows a dramatic increase in the number of malware attacks U.S. small businesses face. In fact, 90 percent of small to medium sized businesses reported increased malware detection in Q1 2017 over Q1 2016. A 500 percent increase in ransomware alone was Read More
Thought leadership comes from having the curiosity to learn, a commitment to add to and hone your knowledge in a given field—and then being willing to share that knowledge freely. What I'm saying is, how and whether to become a thought leader is largely in your hands. That said, I have three steps Read More

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