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Review of myStaffingPro a robust “in-the-cloud” application for businesses that have to manage and recruit multiple new hires and require software to help them track the process efficiently. Read More
You Could Build a Single View of Your Client But You Don´t!

If you use Zoho CRM, Capsule CRM or Highrise, this post explains how to set up your CRM integrations in 3 Simple Steps to build a single view of your customers across your main apps. Read More
Review of Info@hand a customer relationship & business management (CRBM) software that moves beyond traditional CRM software to provide businesses with a comprehensive and integrated view of their CRM efforts. Read More
This article explains how to Create Events in Google Calendar™ from Evernote – Step by Step

Imagine this. You’re out of the office and want to setup a meeting or a reminder in your calendar. You carry your own personal mobile that isn’t setup to synchronise your work events from Google Calendar Read More
Review of Stitch Labs an app for retailers and small businesses that sell through various channels from online to wholesale, brick and mortar, street fairs, etc. Read More
Today, you’ll get to look at how Help Scout is making it easier for small business owners to solve customer problems while integrating seamlessly with their existing chat and CRM products. Read More
Of all industries, the HR industry is, perhaps, the most difficult one to disrupt. This is because it involves a complex mix of systems for faster processing and human interaction and collaboration to rate candidates and arrive at a consensus.

This week, we will review Vana Workforce – a SaaS so Read More
I checked out Userlike, live chat software for websites and iOS apps. I know if I have a question about a product and can’t find the answer quickly, I simply move on. I always like sites that have live chat so I can ask someone right away. I’ve purchased more products each time I get an answer righ Read More
Earlier this year, Dell acquired Wyse, arguably the pioneer in thin-client computing. Together, Dell and Wyse have wasted little time in putting Wyse expertise to work to launchDell Wyse Cloud Client Manager (CCM), which is designed to help companies address the increasingly vexing problem of manag Read More
In our previous review of Yurbi, we discussed the solution’s features. In this edition of the review, we will focus on two specific features that define the solution.

We will see their interface, discuss their importance, and see how it can be of use to you. Read More

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